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Best physiotherapy Amsterdam top ranking physical therapy
Physio help


Discover why patients have been choosing FysioHulp for 25 years as the go-to specialist for relieving pain! Our proven methods have helped many people overcome various pains, and we're ready to help you too. At FysioHulp, we look beyond just the local issue; we examine the entire musculoskeletal system to address the root cause of the pain and provide a lasting solution. Sign up today and take the first step towards a life free from pain.


Welcome to Physiohelp.

For over 25 years, patients have chosen Fysiohulp because of its thorough approach and proven methods. We examine the entire musculoskeletal system to find the cause of the complaint and offer a sustainable solution. Discover why we are the specialist who can help you.

Fysiohulp has the best Physiotherapy reviews in
 Amsterdam on Google and Zorgkaart Netherland.

At FysioHulp, we understand that everybody is unique and that issues often go beyond just the visible problem area. Our bodies are a complex interplay of muscles, nerves, fascia, blood vessels, and bones that are closely interconnected. This network, along with the inseparable connection between body and mind, affects how we feel and function. That’s why we look beyond the immediate location of your pain or discomfort. We explore how different parts of your body, like your feet, knees, hips, back, shoulders, elbows, and wrists, work together, and we consider the impact of your mental well-being on your physical condition.

Our mission is to gain a complete understanding of your situation and analyze it to find the core of your issues. With this insight, we create a personalized treatment plan for you, aimed not only at easing your symptoms but also at preventing future problems. We are committed to providing insights into the causes of your complaints and how your body works, enabling you to play an active role in your recovery process.

Alexander Kudus best physiotherapy physiotherapy


Physical therapist

Myofascial therapist

Musculoskeletal ultrasound 

Biofeedback therapist

Fascia needling

Meet Alexander Kudus, an East German pioneer passionate about unravelling the human body's mysteries. With a solid foundation from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Alexander has carved his path through physiotherapy with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and innovation. His journey took him from top spa clinics in Switzerland to the heart of Amsterdam, where he continues to push the boundaries of therapy.

Inspired by the visionary insights of his father, MD Peadietrican always continues with learning. Alexander has unlocked the secrets of techniques such as Dry Needling and myofascial therapy.

His practice, a haven of recovery and discovery, is renowned for treating complex tendon and muscle complaints. But Alexander's mission goes further: travelling the world, he shares his wisdom on the art of physiotherapy, from the Netherlands to the USA, from China to Qatar. His adventurous spirit and dedication to knowledge make him not just a master in his field but also an inspiration to many.

He's expanding his horizons further by delving into clinical epidemiology at the University of Amsterdam. His arsenal of impressive techniques: from Dry Needling to the Alexander Technique, from ultrasound to Artifical Inteligence in healtcare. Alexander speaks the language of the body fluently in Dutch, English, and German. Be amazed by a man who lives to heal, teach, and tirelessly explore. Alexander Kudus: a true explorer in the world of physiotherapy.

If you want to know more, see my LinkedIn profile

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The best physiotherapy in Amsterdam

Fysiohulp  I  Derde Kostverlorenkade 2 HS, 1054 TN Amsterdam The Netherlands. 


Phone/Whatsapp +31 (0)6 42 970 196

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